General Conversations

We invite scholars from other disciplines to discuss the various elements of the communal life of Muslims in relation to humanity in general. People who wish to gain a broader perspective into our interdisciplinary relational framework will find this format most convenient.

the month of ramadan in post-modern calendaring


The God with Many Names

Uncover an approach to the Beautiful Names that has been in the blind spot of mainstream Muslim scholarship for at least two centuries.


The Natural Signs

Learn the ways in which the natural world helps us better understand the Beautiful Names, mediated by classical Arabic.


The Blessed Arab (ﷺ)

Learn about the Prophet’s (ﷺ) Arab identity in relationship to his humanity and prophethood through his Noble Names.


Cultivating a Prophetic Identity

Understand the meaning, significance, and implications of being the followers of the Last Prophet (ﷺ).


The Julaybeeb's Prayer

Understand each Beautiful Name in correlation to a unique human condition and how you can make a unique business proposition to Allah by its virtue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, these events are totally free. However, we still expect you to honor our integrity policy.

These events are conducted fully online or in a hybrid setting—physical venue and zoom meeting together.

For now, the recordings of these events are not available for public sharing. Having said that, we hope to grow to a point in the future where we can enable this feature.

These events are seasonal which means that they will be conducted once every year in shaa Allah.

If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with us at You can also leave a message on our Facebook or Instagram page. The team will reply within 1-2 business days in shaa Allah.