Taste the fruits of a decade-long labor and decide whether you want to know more about the tree!
Upcoming Workshop:
Saturday, February 22, 10 AM - 12:30 PM (EST)
Sunday, February 23, 10 AM - 12:30 PM (EST)
The demonstration sessions invite you to explore the outcome of a decade-long intellectual labor, offering a glimpse into the rich insights being cultivated at Al-Asmaa Institute. These sessions are designed to help you decide whether you wish to delve deeper into our interdisciplinary relational approach to the Beautiful Names. Through an engaging overview, you will experience how the worlds come together under their loving embrace. By the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of our vision and whether this journey aligns with your aspirations.
Integrity is the foundation of trust and respect in all activities. What we emphasize the most in this policy is confidentiality. Our courses are and will continue to be fruits of arduous labor—and for them to be made freely accessible to the public without the instructor’s express permission will be considered a lack of respect for his efforts and a breach of his trust.
The other two important factors in the integrity policy are asking good questions combined with honest feedback. While money is our short-term capital, these students are our medium and long-term capital. By way of analogy, they are both the compass and the anchor that help us navigate through the uncharted seas of the future in a way that maximizes the benefit we offer to them and the benefit they gain from us as Allah permits.
“Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem” is the most frequently uttered phrase in the Muslim community. In the Arabic language, they are etymologically related to the mother’s womb. In this course, we use some simple scientific facts about the mother’s womb to enrich our current understanding, which is based only on Arabic Grammar (Sarf & Nahw) and traditionally established exegetical accounts of the Holy Qur’an (Tafseer). As a result, we obtain a unique (albeit preliminary) understanding of these two Names, their relationship to each other, and our existential relationship to them in a way that is nowhere to be seen in modern-day religious scholarship.
BSc Medical Imaging
Al-Quds University,
I am a person who constantly loves to wonder about the beauty of Allah and His creation, and so learning more about Him through His Names, especially with the practical examples that were provided through the session opened up a totally new insightful perspective I didn’t see before! I am truly grateful for attending and definitely looking forward for more sessions in the future inshaAllah!
LLB Hons.
Sharia and Law
International Islamic University, Pakistan
BS (Candidate)
University of the Punjab,
The session was a great introduction to Al-Asmaa Institute. We have heard and studied the Names ‘Al-Rahman’ and ‘Al-Raheem’ many times in our homes and schools. However, this workshop introduced a fresh aspect of these Names that has been hidden from our eyes. This has sparked my curiosity to seek out more Names of Allah in the same way and find out the valuable lessons in them. I will surely attend further sessions and will encourage my friends to attend these lectures, too.
BA (Candidate)
Comparative Literature & Creative Arts
Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan
The workshop delivered more than I was expecting it to. The perspectives offered in just a short amount of time opened me up to a completely new paradigm of studying religion which seemed to resemble the traditional curricula we have lost in time, especially in the aesthetics.
The demonstration sessions provide a comprehensive introduction to the vision and mission of Al-Asmaa Institute. They offer the participants a taste of the decade-long research and intellectual effort behind our approach, helping them decide whether to continue with the subsequent courses.
The demonstration sessions are open to everyone interested in exploring the Beautiful Names of Allah from an interdisciplinary relational perspective. No prior knowledge or prerequisites are required.
These sessions are structured as interactive discussions revolving around an engaging presentation. Each session highlights how a unique interdisciplinary vantage point reveals unique aspects of the Beautiful Names.
The typical duration of a demonstration session is 5 hours spread over a day or two days.
No, there will be no recordings of the lectures. Students will have to diligently take notes and network with their fellows if they miss something.
Enrollment is simple and can be completed through our website. Once registered, you will receive all necessary details, including the session date, time, and access information. Click here to find out more.
You can reach the team via info@al-asmaa.org.
You can also leave a message on our Facebook or Instagram page. The team will reply within 1-2 business days in shaa Allah.
Rethinking religion-science-philosophy relationship as unique methods of inquiry into the diverse signs of Allah in the loving embrace of the Beautiful Names.