
Cultivating a Prophetic Identity

Understand the meaning, significance, and implications of being the followers of the Last Prophet (ﷺ).

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If you satisfy the pre-requisite for this course, you have our sincere congratulations. In this course, we will undergo a systematic, rigorous (re-)reading of the Seerah of the Blessed Prophet (ﷺ) filtered through selected names and understand the meaning, significance, and implications of being his ummati.

Details regarding the course will be shared only with those participants who have passed The Blessed Arab (ﷺ) course and fulfill certain additional requirements.

Integrity Policy

Integrity is the foundation of trust and respect in all activities. What we emphasize the most in this policy is confidentiality. Our courses are and will continue to be fruits of an arduous labor—and for them to be made freely accessible to the public without the instructor’s express permission will be considered a lack of respect for his efforts and a breach of his trust.

The other two important factors in the integrity policy are asking good questions combined with honest feedback. While money is our short-term capital, these students are our medium and long-term capital. By way of analogy, they are both the compass and the anchor that help us navigate through the uncharted seas of the future in a way that maximizes the benefit we offer to them and the benefit they gain from us as Allah permits.

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