Our courses are designed:

  1. to develop in you a thorough conception of Allah and His Last Messenger (ﷺ),
  2. through thematic readings of their Beautiful Names,
  3. to help you bring depth and breadth to your identity.

Introduction to the Asmaa Approach

This course will introduce you to the significance of the Beautiful Names in the Islamic tradition and how we propose to approach them at Al-Asmaa Institute as modes of conversation between Allah and the 21st century educated mind in shaa Allah. It hopes to establish what is unique about the courses so that you can make an informed decision whether you would like to invest time, money, and attention in future courses.

  • Prerequisite: Registration
  • Duration: 5 hours spread over 2 days
  • Available Seats: Unlimited
  • Price: Free

The Material Signs

In our everyday religious discourse, the material world is often brought in opposition to the spiritual world, the life of this world (dunya) in opposition to the life hereafter (aakhirah), the body in opposition to the soul, and matter in opposition to spirit. These distinctions are essential to establish a distinct religious-intellectual identity in the 21st century. At the end of the day, however, these divisions have obscured our vision that Allah is the Creator, Lord, and the Sustainer of all universes. As such, the material earthly realm is as dignified and deserves and demands as much reverence and attention of the believers as the spiritual heavenly realm.

This is the first course offered by Al-Asmaa Institute. Our goal is to find the Beautiful Names of Allah in the material universe by seeing it through the lens of the fascinating world of classical Arabic. After this course, you will catch  profound glimpses of Allah's Majesty in relation to the magnificent material universe in shaa Allah.

  • Prerequisite: Introduction to the Asmaa Approach
  • Duration: One year
  • Available Seats: 98
  • Price:
  1. Upfront: 27,000 PKR (save 3000 PKR) or
  2. Installments: 10,000 PKR per 2 months

The Blessed Arab (ﷺ)

Parallel to the material / spiritual divide, we have the Islam / Culture divide in our everyday religious discourse, especially among educated lay Muslims. This division emerged in aversion to certain cultural practices prevalent in the uneducated masses in Muslim-majority countries. As before, this distinction is essential in preserving certain integral elements of the Islamic tradition. However, in the grand scheme of things, this division has obscured our vision of how Islam has historically interacted with indigenous cultures. It has even obscured our vision of how our Prophet () related to the culture of the Arab society of Makkah, his own culture. He did not consider the Arab culture as a 'virus' that had to be completely wiped out so that Islam could be 'installed' in its place like a computer program. Instead, it was a soil fertile enough to be able to be plowed and cultivated by the Prophet () and receive the rain and sunlight of the Revelation for 23 years to be a suitable incubation ground for the seed of Islam until it develops into a tall, firm tree. In return, the tree tenderized the heart of Arab culture with its roots, bringing peace to it just as it was on the brink of self-annihilation and created the grounds for two mighty empires - the Umayyads and the Abbasids. Without a clear apprehension of this mutual relationship between Islam and Culture, all of these historical facts are inexplicable, if not inconceivable.

As a follow-up to The Material Signs course, where we study the Beautiful Names of Allah, we will study the names of the Last Prophet Muhammad () along the same lines. The goal is to explore culturally grounded meanings of the names of the Prophet () so that we can catch glimpses of a more mature understanding of his personality in shaa Allah.

  • Prerequisite: The Material Signs
  • Duration: One year
  • Available Seats: 98
  • Price:
  1. Upfront: 27,000 PKR (save 3000 PKR) or
  2. Installments: 10,000 PKR per 2 months

Cultivating a Prophetic Identity

If you satisfy the pre-requisite for this course, you have our sincere congratulations. In this course, we will undergo a systematic, rigorous (re-)reading of the Seerah of the Blessed Prophet () through selected names and understand the meaning, significance, and implications of being his ummati.

Details regarding the course will be shared only with those participants who have passed The Blessed Arab () course and fulfill certain additional requirements.

The Julaybeeb's Prayer

This is the pinnacle and culmination of your studies at Al-Asmaa Institute. In this course, we will undergo a really dense relational reading of the ninety-nine Beautiful Names of Allah in the form of a prayer modeled after an authentic Prophetic prayer.

So that you know, details about the course will be shared only with those participants who have passed the Cultivating a Prophetic Identity course and fulfill some additional requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enroll in a course?

To enroll in a course:

  1. Click the "Register" button to go to the registration form. Please fill out the form and submit it.
  2. If you fall within the range of the seating capacity, your registration will be confirmed. Otherwise, you will be automatically rescheduled for registration in the next instance of the course on a first-come-first-serve basis.
  3. You will receive confirmation along with a registration number and the bank account details on your provided email address.
  4. After you receive confirmation, you can purchase the course within an hour by sending your payment to the bank account provided in the email.
  5. Upload the transfer receipt to the enrollment form accessed by clicking the "Enroll" button. If you succeed, your enrollment process will be completed. Otherwise, your registration will be rescheduled to the next instance on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Why are the courses numbered from 0 to n?

The first course is numbered 0 because it is an orientation course. The last two courses are numbered m and n to indicate that there are indefinite number of intermediate courses between the first three and the last two courses. This number depends first on Allah's Will, and then on the instructor's capabilities and those of the participants.

What is the medium of instruction in these courses?

The medium of instruction in these courses is English. However, depending on the audience, Urdu will also be used.

Do I need to know Arabic for these courses?

You do not need to know Arabic at all to take these courses and benefit from them.

How are the courses structured?

The courses heavily emphasize synchronous learning because the goal is to create a community around the Beautiful Names. However, some elements of asynchronous learning are also incorporated.

Are there any live sessions?

Yes absolutely. The live sessions play the integral role in course curriculum.

How are the participants assessed?

The participants are assessed through a series of quizzes.

What if I miss the deadline for a quiz?

All quizzes are self-paced, which means that the one and only deadline is the course closing date. In other words, you are free to make your own plan within the course closing date.

Is there a final exam?

No, there is no final exam.

Are there any technical requirements for these courses?

You will need a computer with good internet access, a modern web browser, and a microphone. Additionally, you will need to familiarize yourself with the Canvas LMS.

Are there any discounts available?

No, there are no discounts available, yet.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

If you have any additional questions, please get in touch with us at info@al-asmaa.org.